« zurückLauschangriff (SaarTYR)
Sendungsdatum: 19.11.2023
bent - Siren's Call (Amnistia Modification)
Atropine - Erasing
Fïx8:Sëd8 - Baptism Of Fire
The opposer divine - Human Animal
Terminal State - Electro - Early Warning
2?n?d? ?f?a?c?e? - 1 Of The Others
Amorphous - Blackhole
Blac Kolor - The Prophecy
Pyrroline - Fellow Passenger
kFactor - Dive Deeper
Fix8:sed8 - Jihad - Dark Electro - Unknown To Virtue
dISHARMONY - Indifference
Synaptic Defect - Tacky Games
Amnistia (Official) - Package Of Regrets
FRETT - Sleepless
Object - Hidden Perceptions
Golem / xenonoise - Godspeed
R010r (Michael Renfield) - Night Was Red
Mildreda - Devil's Gaze
Seven Trees - End Of The Line
Placebo Effect - Open Dead Eyes
Akmd (Alex Kirdyashov) - Obsession