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Sendungsdatum: 08.03.2020
Spontane Gehörganggemetzel vom 8.3.20 ;-)
17:57:42 POUPPEE FABRIKK - Rot(Frater P Version)
17:52:04 Uboa - The Sky May Be (Zenith)
17:48:44 Soman - Tears (Xotox Remix)
17:44:22 Mlada Fronta - Ritual
17:40:15 Harsh Manifesto - Hard Core
17:36:11 Cacophoneuses - Delictus
17:32:47 Schachtanlage Gegenort - Eisenschwamm
17:27:45 Pharmakon - Body Betrays Itself
17:22:39 Haus Arafna - The Last Dream Of Jesus
17:16:36 KiEw - Staub (Stoned)
17:12:40 Ukiyo - Ukiyo
17:10:26 amateur gods - The Gap
17:06:08 Y-LUK-O - Dignity
17:03:21 Alien Sex Fiend - Bun-Ho! (Time After Time)
17:00:25 Atari Teenage Riot - Deutschland (Has Gotta Die)
16:58:14 Acid Bath - Cheap Vodka
16:52:59 Jörg Rabus - Großmutterloch
16:45:22 Foreign Novelty Smash
16:43:29 Alice Cooper - Painting a Piece