« zurückLauschangriff (SaarTYR)
Sendungsdatum: 19.02.2023
Kryophobia - Ferromagnetique
Amnistia (Official) - Dern
SONIC AREA - Gongwar Feat. Les Tambours du Bronx
Michael Idehall - One Who Sees All
Konstruktivists - Revolving Revolver
Sølvkre - Del Fra Del (Albumversjon)
??????????? - Blood Lies
the_empath - Nwo_Hindsight [klima]
interstice - Bottomless Desire
Sec 1nine13 - Psionic
Kojoohar × Ködzid Goo - Kopi
JG Outsider - Amor Industrial
Flint Glass & Collapsar - Olden Wrath Of The Great Ones Mix By iszoloscope
Atropine - Blood Sequence
IV Horsemen - Hyakki Yako
AXKAN - Tribesman
FRETT - Dreams
Cannaya - Green Eye
Cønjecture - Hard Rimes
Em1v - Hidden Gods