(((EBM Radio))) – strange music for strange people

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Lauschangriff (SaarTYR)

Sendungsdatum: 26.02.2023

Fïx8:Sëd8 - Pale Light Shadow
Pyrroline - Battleground
Atropine - Erasing (Pyrroline Remix)
rebirth - #6240#wired [Pyrroline Remix]
ner.ogris - Silent Anguish
Amnistia (Official) - Dark
Golem / xenonoise - Godspeed
Placebo Effect - Open Dead Eyes
Jihad - Dark Electro - The Prophecy
Amorphous - How It All Goes Down
Object - Nothing Left Inside
tri-state - Genelaw
Seven Trees - Azure
The opposer divine - Human Animal
Terminal State - Electro - Last Prophecy
Mildreda - Anthem Of Tomorrow
tEaR!doWn (official) - Insight - Red+test Rmx
kFactor - White Monolith
Astral Escape - E.W.N.R.
Sleepwalk (Official) - Degeneration