(((EBM Radio))) – strange music for strange people

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Lauschangriff (SaarTYR)

Sendungsdatum: 26.03.2023

Frau Silberfischer - This Is Not Me
MAX DURANTE - Machine World
Alen Skanner - The System (Original Mix)
Harsh Mentor - Majin
Distant - Carmesi Diabla (Melania. Remix)
Melania . - Orden
Fairground of Tears - Execution (Melania. Remix)
Termination_800 - Cyborg (Endless Nothing Remix)
Alpha Sect - Honor Your Deity
Cervello Elettronico vs. Veldt - Your God
heimstatt yipotash - Recoil
Mordant Arrow - Polyphemus Surveillance State
Desroi - Indifferent (Phase Fatale Remix)
Schwefelgelb - Bis Zum Nächsten Tag (Phase Fatale Remix)
Mova - Bad Move
HAKAI - Ningen
Lunar Lodge - Mai Mai Mai - Secrets
Siamgda - Dead Man, a Piece of Thought
YURA YURA - Voodoo