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Sendungsdatum: 07.06.2022
21:00:53 Two Witches - Cat's Eyes (Black Lipstick Mix)
20:55:43 Skinny Puppy - Rodent
20:50:37 WestBam Presents Rhythum Asyllum - Cold Train (Railway - Dub)
20:46:35 Psyche - Misery
20:40:29 Sweet Sensation - Never Let You Go
20:36:59 X Mal Deutschland - Dreamhouse
20:31:18 Jeanie Tracy - Let's Dance
20:27:15 Red Flag - Pretty In Pity
20:22:23 Die Warzau - Welcome To America
20:18:49 Paul Rutherford - I Want Your Love
20:13:06 Robotiko Rejekto - Confusion (CD-Mix)
20:09:06 T-R-P - This Is The Place (Dance Mix)
20:03:32 The KLF - 3 A.M. Eternal (Break For Love)
19:58:05 White House White - God Bless America
19:52:43 PTP - Rubber Glove Seduction
19:48:48 Signal Aout 42 - Right Thing
19:42:29 Xymox - Obsession (Extended Mix)
19:37:17 Inter Phase - Back From The Space
19:31:03 Pete Shelley - Homosapien II (Techno Mix)
19:25:44 Rick John - Planet Nine
19:20:26 Tommi Stumpff - Attrapez-La Vivante
19:15:43 Petra & Co - Just Let Go (Dubs)
19:10:47 Liaisons D - Future FJP
19:04:26 Various - Technopolis Megamix (Mixed By Mebo)
19:01:21 A Split - Second - Body Check