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Hörbar (Schranzi & Anubis)

Sendungsdatum: 07.02.2016

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Playliste (((HörBar)) 7.2.2016

14 Uhr - 15 Uhr:
Colony 5 - Accelerate
Enter And Fall - After the Storm
Angels And Agony - Unison(Code 64 Remix)
Torul - Lost for you
Days Of Fate - Lonely People(The Pussy Gourmets Remix)
A Split Second - Rigor Mortis
Eisfabrik - Let me live
Tactikal Sect - The Enemy within
Oldschool Union - Perkele
Serpents - State of War

15 Uhr - 16 Uhr:
Welle Erdball - Zeitverbot
Consumer Junk - Carbohydrates(Club Mix)
Eisbecher - Verrückt(Combichrist Remix)
The Prodigy - Rebel Radio
SITD - Santa Muerte
God Module - Abduction
Nitzer Ebb - Smear Body
X Mouth Syndrome - Dirty Grace
Xotox - Schlag zurück
SynthAttack - Your Lies
Bodystyler - Meaning
Zweite Jugend - Hoch die Tassen(Demo)

16 Uhr - 17 Uhr:
Sara Noxx - Back to Live
And One - Männermusik
Wumpscut - Wreath of barbs
The Invincible Spirit - Contact
Produkt -Death
Solar Fake - Fake to be alive
The Juggernauts - Infected
The Klinik - Mindswitch
Wormz - Eins Zwei Polizei
Rhesus Factor - When we return to Bleiburg
Aircrash Bureau - Zerstörer der Welt(V2)
E-Craft - Rearrested

17 Uhr - 18 Uhr:
Wynardtage - Rascheln
Chainreactor - Over the Line
Klangstabil - Vertraut
Abnormal Dysfunction - Abuse&Dislike
Re-Legion - Nachthexen
Centhron - Panzerfaust Tyr
8-Bit Operators - Sie liebt dich
8-Bit Operators - All you need is love
Davantage - The End of raging ecstasy
Komputer - Incommunication
Akalotz - Trust
Depeche Mode - The Sund and the Rainfall