« zurückHörbar (Schranzi & Anubis)
Sendungsdatum: 10.01.2021
14 Uhr - 15 Uhr:
Ruined Conflict - Labeled Enemy
Solitary Experiments - Immortal
Neurotic Fish - Velocity
FGFC 820 - Insurrection
Absurd Minds - Carry the Flag
Blastromen - Battlenet
Informatik - Things to come
Agonoize - Antiheld
15 Uhr - 16 Uhr:
E-Craft - Full of Decay
Enter And Fall - Break them down
Second Version - Boulevard of broken Dreams
VNV Nation - When is the Future
Frontal - Küss mich
Gabi Delgado - Nichtgedicht
Tension Control - The World is going down
And One - Shouts of Joy
Kiew - Graograman
Endzustand - Endzustand
Nachtmahr - Weil ich´s kann
Kombi kreist - Without Emotions
32 Crash - The man who cames from later
16 Uhr - 17 Uhr:
Strong Product - Prignis, ya tancuyu
Synth Attack - Insomnia
Pyrroline - The Grave
Pyrroline - Maria
Feindflug - Ersatzteil
Suicide Commando - My new Christ
Blutengel - Lucifer
Eisfabrik - Lonely like a Wolf
Robotiko Rejekto - High Fidelity feat Frollein Bond
Acid Paul feat. Johnny Cash - I seee a Darkness
VNV Nation - All our Sins
Bigod 20 - Carpe Diem(Umo Detic Remix)
17 Uhr - 18 Uhr:
Eisfabrik - Too late
Pet Shop Boys - Opportunities
New Order - Blue Monday 88
Depeche Mode - Black Celebration
Depeche Mode - Fly on the Windscreen
SITD - Atemlos
Combichrist - What the Fuck is wrong with you
Skinny Puppy - Assimilate
Darkness On Demand - Brain Fucked
Frozen Plasma - Irony
Rotersand - Torn Realities