« zurückLauschangriff (SaarTYR)
Sendungsdatum: 03.10.2020
Placebo Effect - Slashed Open
Abscess - Delusion
Mainesthai - Wartime
Mentallo and the Fixer - Sacrilege (Angel of Death Mix)
Fektion Fekler - Diabolic Changes (Side Effect Mix)
bEnESTroPHe - Endangered Species
Jihad - Dark Electro - People Of The Land
Stin Scatzor - Let Me Rot
Controlled Bleeding - Now Is The Time
yelworC - Blood In Face
Evils Toy - Make Up
Front Line Assembly - Provision
Nine Inch Nails - Happiness In Slavery (PK Slavery Mix)
Skinny Puppy - Worlock (LP Mix)
Page 12 - Sea on Fire
Nomenclatura - Let Me In
Implant - Fun
Velvet Acid Christ - Fun With Knives
Putrefy Factor 7 - Regulation
IC 434 - Albatross
Numb - Hole
Sleepwalk (Official) - Soul of Hate