« zurückLauschangriff (SaarTYR)
Sendungsdatum: 08.09.2024
Fïx8:Sëd8 - Lethargia
FIX8SED8 - Homicide In Heaven
Dead When I Found Her - Gathering Fear
Control Alt Deus- In My Own World
PAIL - Que Hable El Silencio
Impact Pulse - Without Fear
Acretongue - Nightrunner (2?n?d? ?f?a?c?e? Remix)
Black Agent - Concrete Sky
PLASMODIVM - Instinto Homicida
suicide commando - Fate (By Mildreda)
Leaether Strip - Fire (Leæther Strip vs. Mildreda)
FIX8:SED8 - Mildreda - Prognosis
Mode Bionics - Overmind
Derma-Tek - Lost Cause (Davantage Remix)
Cut.rate.box - Restless
Din_Fiv - Conspiracy
Amnistia (Official) - Creatures
Amnistia - The Backyard Of Hopes
HEADSCAN - Terra Incognita
Necrotek - Shadow Phase (Symbolic Rmx By Terminal State - Electro)
Individual Totem - Psychologic Medicine