« zurückDie MenschMaschine (Irionik)
Sendungsdatum: 02.09.2024
19:51:56 Fractured - Cry Blood
19:44:45 P.A.L. - Wretched
19:37:32 Front Line Assembly - Parasite
19:30:49 KiEw - Zentrifuge (Inertia Mix By Spherical Disrupted)
19:24:22 Plastic Noise Experience - Monoton Synchron (V2.0 - Part 1 & 2)
19:19:19 Groupe T - Sturmovik: Wings Of Revenge
19:12:21 Klaustrophobik - You Can't X-plain
19:05:44 Suicide Commando - Sterbehilfe (Hocico RMX)
18:58:39 Winterkälte - Eco-Lateral Damage
18:51:40 The Sepia - The Shallows (The Cachalot Mix)
18:45:31 X-FUSION - Hypnotized
18:37:25 A?boforcen - Twilight World (Icon Of Coil Mix)
18:31:00 Informatik - House Of Cards
18:26:55 Tankt - Classified
18:19:14 Rotersand - Social Distortion (Darkflow)
18:12:38 Tamtrum - Some (Bloody) Times
18:04:27 Funker Vogt - Killing Fields (Killed Mix)
17:57:20 Velvet Acid Christ - We Have To See, We Have To Know (Extended)